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We seek to be a place of spiritual well-being for all the community. Our activities  promote well-being and reduce social isolation. Alongside our Sunday worship services we offer:

  • A Place of Welcome Cafe in Brinsley on Tuesday mornings

  • Little Angel's tots and toddlers in Underwood on Tuesday afternoons

  • A Warm Welcome drop in with crafts in Underwood on Wednesday afternoons.

  • A Place of Welcome Cafe in Underwood on Thursday mornings

  • Our bereavement support group runs monthly in St James Brinsley.

  • A weekly Men’s Social group in either the Durham Ox, Brinsley or Underwood Miners' Welfare


In addition, we care for and maintain two historic listed church buildings loved by our villages.


All this is managed within the budget of the Church Parish of Brinsley with Underwood


In common with all Church Parishes, the largest proportion of income comes from people’s gifts to the church (42%): we receive no “Central Funding”. Other significant sources of income are the fees from formal services (Weddings, Funerals:19%) and some property rental (11%). Our annual budget is about £65,000 and like many organisations we have had a deficit of about 10% due to Covid for the last three years.


Can you join us in our mission to serve the community and support people’s spiritual and emotional well-being? Could you help us retain the heritage in our church for future generations?

Please support us at Brinsley with Underwood PCC | Stewardship

or set up a regular bank transfer to:


Parochial Church Council of Brinsley with Underwood

Sort Code:   20-25-85

Account:       70694851

Rev David Stevenson: (01773) 710770

Rachel Lake 077929 42032

Paul Lake 07554 664831

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